Want your dog to join our pack? Fill out our camp application to begin the evaluation process!

If you have multiple dogs, please fill out one application for each dog.

Why should you send your dog to camp?

Dog camp offers a more stable, spacious, and controlled environment than a traditional doggie daycare setting. As the pack leader, I will be providing the dogs with constant support to succeed in our outdoor environment. It is a more “whole” form of enrichment and stimulation, where your dog is allowed to tap into their natural instincts and enjoy being a dog. The dogs will enjoy their freedom, but they will also be consistently challenged with the training I provide, creating structure and certainty within the pack.

Your dog will learn:

  • How to fluidly move from prey drive (play & hunting) to social drive (listening to their leader and functioning as a pack)

  • How to control their emotional state through being rewarded for relaxation

  • Proper dog to dog socialization behaviors

  • Trail etiquette that will translate to your own off-leash adventures

  • Solidifying their recall

  • Impulse control

What should you know?


What we do

I run camp Tuesday through Thursday, year round. You can choose to have your dog attend on one day or multiple days! It is highly recommended that your dog attends camp for at least one day a week - this solidifies the training that I perform with your dog & the rest of the pack.

Our camp fee is $40 per dog per day.

Camp begins in the morning when I pick up your dog, and ends when I bring your dog home. Your dog will hike for 2-2.5 hours during each camp session. Though your dog is outside having fun, there is a significant amount of training that goes into every dog during each camp day. The skills your dog will learn from camp are invaluable for his or her temperament. Participating in camp will leave your dog mentally and physically fulfilled, plus, your dog comes home to you ready to relax!

I pick up in Fairfax through Sheldon, VT. If you live nearby are unsure if you fall within my pickup zone, reach out and I’ll see what we can do!

Our pack is hand picked!

We have a strict evaluation process and guidelines to see which dogs will be a good fit for camp. We have zero tolerance for aggression, specifically towards other dogs or resource guarding. Additionally, dogs must be well behaved in a car in close quarters with other dogs.

Each dog who joins our pack is slowly integrated into the group through a 4 day trial period. This ensures the success of your dog joining our pack and the safety of all pack members. We want your dog to succeed, have fun, and have positive experiences while at camp!


  • Rabies, Bordetella, & DHPP vaccinations

  • A minimum of 1 year old

  • Friendly with people & dogs

  • Spayed / Neutered

  • Excellent recall skills (coming when called) and good basic obedience (sit/down/stay)

  • Application & Release Agreement